Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In The Begining....

Movies, books and television were my friends who nurtured me from a life a inner-city poverty and showed me lives for which I could only dream. Now as an adult, master of media (thanks to Long Island University, Hunter College and The New School I have begun to question just how friendly media is... and not just to us dark people and people who wear skirts, but who is the target audience... as I continue to turn to my old friends to fill in the gaps, I wonder if it is telling me the truth or if it has another agenda...
We all know that money makes the world go round (line stolen from media)... but has my friend really sold me out?
My goal is to take time out and examine some of the most famous and infamous media offerings in popular culture and see if they can indeed pass a 3- point love test.
1- Do they love themselves
2- Do they love their viewers
3- Will their love or lack of it allow them continue to live in American popular culture